Wyrrabalong National Park Walking Tracks

Wyrrabalong National Park - The Coast walking track

There are 3 walking tracks in Wyrrabalong National Park. The most popular walk is The Coast walking track.

Wyrrabalong National Park is split into 2 different sections: The southern section of the park is located at Bateau Bay and that’s where you’ll find The Coast walking track.

The 2 other walks – Lillypilly loop trail and Red gum trail – are located in the northern section of the park, which is north of The Entrance.

Find out about these walks below….

The Coast Walking Track 

3 KM one-way - medium

The Coast walking track is a very popular walk because it follows the clifftop for nearly 3 km. While walking you come across clearings and lookouts with unobstructed views of the ocean and coastline...

Coastal walks are hard to beat aren’t they?

This walk is well-liked by people of all ages and even runners enjoy exercising along the track. You walk on compacted sand and climb timber and metal stairways.

The walk ends at lovely Bateau Bay Beach.

During our last walk we spotted whales... If you visit between June and August bring binoculars… 

Crackneck Lookout - whale watching

The stunning Crackneck Lookout splits the walk in the middle. Crackneck Lookout is the best spot for whale watching, have a picnic or simply sit on the grass and enjoy the view.

If you prefer to walk a shorter section of Wyrrabalong Coast walking track, you can start or end the walk at Crackneck Lookout, there’s a carpark at the lookout.

We started our walk at Wyrrabalong Lookout – the highest coastal point between Sydney and Newcastle.

From Wyrrabalong Lookout, you can see Forresters, Wamberal and Terrigal beaches at a distance...

Wyrrabalong Lookout

To start the walk, follow the sign. The track goes from one lookout to the next along the clifftop.

Coastal views from the topcliff on The Coast walking track in Wyrrabalong National Park
The Coast walking track

Spend some quality time at Crackneck Lookout... 

Crackneck Lookout

Then turn back or continue walking to Bateau Bay Beach Picnic Area. Follow the sign. The track descends slowly from the clifftop all the way to the beach. 

This narrow section of Wyrrabalong National Park stretches between the ocean and the quiet village of Bateau Bay.

Bateau Bay, at the end of the walk, is another lovely spot to chill out after Crackneck Lookout. Kids enjoy exploring the large rocks and rock pools...

Bateau Bay Beach

Parking - The Coast Walking Track 

Park at the end of Cromarty Hill Rd, Forresters Beach.

Or if you want to begin walking from Bateau Bay Beach park on Reserve Dr corner Rushby St, Bateau Bay.

Parking at Crackneck Lookout is at the end of Hilltop St, Bateau Bay.

Lillypilly Loop & Red Gum Trails

3.5 KM loop each - 1 hr

The walks are easy. The loops merge, so you can walk both if you want.

You get glimpses of Tuggerah Lake and walk through distinct forests.

Lillypilly Loop Trail

The Lillypilly loop trail is situated in a beautiful rainforest with dense vegetation made up of cabbage tree palms, tuckeroos and other lovely trees.

This stand is the largest remaining littoral rainforest on the Central Coast. 

Follow the trail from the road toward Tuggerah Lake. The noise slowly fades away as you walk away from the road. 

Lillypilly loop trail... a beautiful walk through a littoral rainforest
Lillypilly loop trail - filtered views of Tuggerah Lake.
Lillypilly loop trail

After about 20 minutes you arrive at the edge of the lake.

I found this section of the walk the prettiest. If you can only do a short bushwalk or if you have small children, walk this section between the parking spot and the lake.

Bush Turkey on Lillypilly loop trail

Red Gum Trail

The Red Gum trail sits amid splendid Sydney red gums. This red gum forest is also the largest stand remaining on the Central Coast.

The trail first follows the road then heads deeper into the forest toward Tuggerah Lake. Follow the Red Gum Trail signs. 

Red gum trail
Seat on the wooden platform along the Red Gum trail
Red gum trail

Sit at the wooden platform and enjoy filtered views of the lake.

After the walk visit Pelican Beach, a beautiful untouched beach in Wyrrabalong National Park. From Wilfred Barnett Dr, turn on Pelican Beach Rd and drive to the end.

Parking - Lillypilly Loop Trail & Red Gum Trail

Lillypilly loop trail: a tiny carpark is located on Wilfred Barnett Dr, Magenta, about 1.6 km past corner of Magenta Dr.

The carpark is not indicated so it’s easy to overshoot.

You can also park at the next carpark a bit further away, which is the start of Red Gum trail. It links up with the Lillypilly trail near the start of the walk.

Red Gum trail: park on the left side of Wilfred Barnett Dr, Magenta, near corner of Pelican Beach Rd. If you’re driving from the south, you’ll see the sign “Wyrrabalong Carpark” before arriving.

More Things to Do on the Central Coast

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